It's funny that as a Mom when your child is meeting developmental milestones it is such a happy moment and a sad one all at the same time. It is a time when you realize your baby is getting bigger and all you want to do is hit pause. I think with your second child this is even more true esecially when they are as close in age as mine are. You spend the majority of your day trying to keep your head above water juggling keeping everyone happy, maintaing a working household, and lets be honest trying to keep some sanity in for yourself (it rarely happens but hey we are Mom's).
Somewhere in this time your kids seem to just grow up over night. This week literally in under 7 days Jameson went from doing "the worm" across the floor to lagitimately crawling to pulling himself up on everything. He also went from eating pureed traditional babyfood to wanting nothing to do with it and only eating what we are. Today he literally at 3/4 of a grill cheese! Last mile marker for the week he got his first tooth. It makes me so hapy to see him experiencing these things for the first time and so grateful that I get to be home to do so but also sad at the same time. My baby is no longer a baby, he doesnt need me to carry him from room to room or feed him he can do it all by himself. I somehow managed to blink and 9 months have gone by.
Jameson isn't the only one Sophie is going potty on the big girl potty pretty much every time I put her on it and she sometimes asks to use it. She is so smart that she never fails to amaze me. I often forget she just turned two she too is still a baby. I could just watch her all day explore the world, sadly though life gets in the way.
This week I wish I could just hit pause myself, and just slow it all down. It goes by so fast I can't believe we have a 2 year old and a 9 month old already when did that happen?
A little advise to those new mom's who think that they have to do everything. YOU DON'T! It is really that simple the clothes that are pilling up can wait till tomorrow. You don't need to wash dishes 3 times a day or bottles for that matter buy enough for the entire day so you don't have to. Dinner doesn't have to be an extensive production either sometimes simple can be better. Most importantly though savor every moment you can because you too will blink and wish you had maybe slowed down a little more.
Most importantly take pictures of those moments here are just a couple of my moments from this week